
So many ideas and not enough time

Some people struggle for ideas for their business. They have read so many books and been to so many talks but they don’t have time to implement everything or don’t…


Working out your minimum rate

People often ask me how much they should be charging. What they’re thinking of is the market rate and where they sit on the sliding scale of value. But it…


Minimising your interruptions

Interruptions can be a real pain when you’re trying to get on with the real work or the sort which requires concentration. Here are a few ideas of how you…


Still planning 2020

I’m still fiddling with the best way to display my calendar and to do list at a glance. I discovered some great magnetic calendars which will stick to your fridge…


Well hello there, 2020 

Social media seems to be full of people making New Year’s Resolutions or declaring what a waste of time they are.  As is often the case, I take the middle ground.   I…


Christmas planning 

It happens every year. Christmas.  However you celebrate yours most of us have traditions that we repeat every year so why not remove some of the stress by having checklists? That way you can…


Social Media – Twitter

Last week I spoke about Linked In metrics so now it’s time to mention my favourite platform, Twitter. Twitter suits my personal style and was the main source of 1/3…


Social Media – Linked In

How useful is Linked In in your marketing? Most of my connections are accountants and bookkeepers but, judging by a recent post, it seems to be mainly salespeople who are…


Morning routine of a moderately successful business woman

Do you ever read those articles about people who get up at 4am, run 10 miles, meditate, create a new business product and look absolutely gorgeous before their kids are…


Useful tools – calendars

I’m starting to plan my 2020 activities so I thought I’d share what I use to record everything. I have a variety of calendars which are all accessible via my…