
An unlimited market?

In accountancy there seem to be far more businesses than good accountants and it is possible to take on unlimited clients (assuming you had the resources). So why wouldn’t you?…


The ‘Icarus’ budget 

I set up my first business with the intention of doing a few sets of accounts from the kitchen table to fit around my kids. But my background BC (before…


Collaboration for the win

A while ago our local post master observed my kids spending their pocket money and reported back to me. Apparently they figured out that if they pooled their money they…


Courtesy calls, love them or hate them?

Personally, I hate them. The caller doesn’t know what I’m doing. In a business that often requires intense thinking that means that the phone usually interrupts my train of thought.…


Is it your husband’s business?

When I set up my first business in 2009, I lost track of the number of times that I was asked whether it was my husband’s business or mine! Initially…


Should I be a limited company?

There are all sorts of reasons for incorporating and most of these are unchanged but two things have changed or are about to change. 1.Corporation tax increases combined with National…


What is a Clarity review?

We try to encourage all our business clients to have regular Clarity reviews. These can be monthly, quarterly or annually depending on the size of the business. We connect their…


10 questions business owners should ask their accountant

What was my turnover this month? How does it compare to previous months/years/budget? What are my main sources of income and how can I grow them? What is my gross…


A good bookkeeper is worth their weight in gold!

I’ve said it so many times that I think ICB (Institute of Certified Bookkeepers) made me a Champion a few years ago to try and shut me up. The line…


Are you increasing your prices?

It’s annual price increase time here at Minerva Accountants. We usually increase prices each year by around inflation however, this year, we have suffered a disproportionate increase in software costs.…