
You can’t beat a good book

You can’t get everything from a book but it is a good opportunity to learn from somebody else’s mistakes. This week my shameless tip is to buy a copy of…


Managing your interruptions

I recently received a complaint from somebody for posting in a WhatsApp group in the middle of the night. Had I realised that they had audible notifications switched on I…


The Magic Roundabout

Not the one on TV when we were kids but the one in Swindon. If you have never had the good/bad fortune to visit Swindon to see this phenomenon then…


How do I know when I need to delegate?

1.   Profitability – when you could make more money by paying somebody else to do the job while you earn more money elsewhere. This is why I have a PA.2.   Procrastinating –…


Value your time

I’ve just been watching an online conversation which includes some people who appear to want to work for nothing. You’ve probably realised by now that I love all sorts of…


Tiny productivity hacks

I’ve been struggling a little with mental discipline since Coronavirus has been a reality in the UK. It’s not a problem I usually have so I’m only just learning how…


Catalyst for growth?

As I’ve had time to speak to more businesses this week it would seem that Covid 19 has been a catalyst for all sorts of business improvements that were already…


You don’t need to outrun the lion

Things are starting to settle down a little as we adapt to a new normal and start to consider the best way to make use of life under lockdown and…


Who are Minerva Accountants?

When I sold my first practice and was approached by fellow accountants and bookkeepers to mentor them on their own journey it was because I had proven practical experience. It’s…


Ready assembled vs flatpack   

I was thinking about the difference between ready assembled furniture and flatpack. The former is generally more substantial, better made and may last for generations. The latter might be cheap…