
Bounce Back Loans: how will you use yours?

The announcement of simple bounce back loans is the next best thing to a grant. While some will need them to cover existing costs and worry about repaying next year…


Creating a paperless business

There are all sorts of reasons for operating a paperless business. Saving paper is better for the environment, online saves physical space, online saves mess and cluttered desks. Your accounts…


Lockdown motoring

Motoring tips this week courtesy of MrH, former Test Engineer and brakes specialist (including F1, R&D, and brakes for ordinary cars), who still looks after my car. Cars hate being…


Life on the outside

After the initial Coronavirus crisis a couple of weeks ago we now seem to be settling down to a new “normal”. Now that we are through the worst of the…


When your confidence has gone AWOL

At the moment there are too many tired people trying to do too much under difficult circumstances. They’re out of routine and possibly sleep deprived too. No wonder that more…


Benefits of daily exercise

One of the outings that we are allowed each day is to take some exercise. Here’s a reminder of why we should be doing this anyway, but particularly now.– Physical health– Mental…


Corona Virus updates as at 11/5

There is so much information coming out and so much still missing. This post gives some of the main information links but please keep checking back as information is changing…


Using Zoom (other platforms are available)

Most of my work is done remotely already. My courses and webinars are online and my coaching is by telephone (have a look and see what is available on the…


What to do while in isolation

Covid-19 is coming. At the time of writing my kids’ school is still open. Whilst they’re pretty good on the handwashing front they still stand very close to their friends…


Masterminds vs business coaching

Masterminds can be really good. I belong to one for my speaking. We are all at about the same stage in our speaking careers but with different business models. At…