
Trading through tough times

Some businesses were founded during a recession:Disney, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and Hudson Business Accountants and Advisers. No matter how bad things are, we all have to do the right things in…


How to balance working on and in your business

Small business owners usually do a mixture of working on and in their business. It’s very easy to get sucked into working IN your business to generate profits and income…


Retirement planning

No matter what age you are it is still worth thinking about how you will save for your retirement. And I don’t just mean saving your teeth.There are 3 main…


Speaking for business

As you probably know I speak professionally, and so I often get asked for tips on how people can improve their speaking. Please see my article on basic Zoom meetings. Get your…


Working from home – the long game

As some parts of the country are in local lockdown and we’ve all been encouraged to work from home again we need to get set up properly for working from…


Is free really free?

When we say that something is free we usually mean that no money changes hands. But hopefully there is an exchange of value. For instance, I hope that these tips…


Rishi’s largesse

Here’s a quick summary of the Winter Plan announced on Thursday 24 September 2020… Coronavirus Jobs retentions Scheme (CJRS) will be replaced with a new scheme (accountants stocking up on gin and…


What is decision fatigue? – part 2

Decision fatigue is the exhaustion that comes with making constant decisions. My tip this week is to remove some more of the smaller decisions in your life, so here are…


What is decision fatigue?

Decision fatigue is the exhaustion that comes with making constant decisions. My tip this week is to remove some of the smaller decisions in your life so here are some…


My marketing fail

Okay, they’re not my target market but somehow my parents hadn’t realised that I set up a business coaching accountants when I sold Hudson Accountants three years ago. Perhaps I…