If your profits are lower than you’d like and you’re not taking home enough money to cover your bills, let alone to make up for all the hassle of running…
How to create a budget for your business
Businesses and individuals with plans are more likely to achieve those results. But how do you go about it? 1. Personal objectives – the objectives of owner managed businesses are…
What will you do differently this year?
2024 was a transition year for me. In business while we settled an acquisition with new clients and new team. At home I waited to move home. Now that those…
What’s next after tax returns
Here at Minerva all tax returns have been completed and we’re just chasing the last few clients for approval so that we can press the button to submit them. Then…
Do you really believe your CSR?
Happy new year! Sustainability. Do you do anything about it or just talk about it? Current breakfast view is offices that have their lights on 24/7 (even over the Christmas…
How to work faster
Why do some people work faster than others? Sorry, I have no idea but I did hear of a study that discovered that manual work rates could double between slow…
The benefits of a military life
No, this isn’t about conscription, it’s about moving around all the time and meeting strangers. My father served in the army for 24 years so I had had 25 different…
Do you struggle with travelling for work?
Do you struggle with travelling for work?Although I usually work from my home office (our whole team are remote) I do a fair amount of travelling for speaking at conferences…
Do you feel embarrassed chasing unpaid bills?
If somebody left a shop without paying for the goods you would probably chase them down the street and rugby tackle them to the ground (or at least consider it)…
Are you running a profitable business?
Are you sure? What if you had to replace your own time with a suitable qualified/experienced alternate salary? Would you still be making a profit then?Whilst I’d like to think…