Why do some people work faster than others? Sorry, I have no idea but I did hear of a study that discovered that manual work rates could double between slow…
Do you struggle with travelling for work?
Do you struggle with travelling for work?Although I usually work from my home office (our whole team are remote) I do a fair amount of travelling for speaking at conferences…
Do you feel embarrassed chasing unpaid bills?
If somebody left a shop without paying for the goods you would probably chase them down the street and rugby tackle them to the ground (or at least consider it)…
How do you deal with staff who are damaging your business?
You take great care in recruiting for your business but somehow you still end up with somebody who is not suitable. They may be actively damaging your business or just…
How does your price compare?
Compare to what? How would you compare the price of a dress from Primark to one from Prada? How would you compare the cost of a smart phone to an…
Forget your carbon footprint
Okay, that’s a bit of a ‘clickbaity’ title so I’d better elaborate. Hopefully you’re already trying to minimise the carbon footprint of your business and your home life but, once…
What do you value?
Struggling to write this today as I hide in a café in the village while a house clearance company dispose of 14 years of my life. But I’m a natural…
How much do you charge?
I’m always tempted to say “let me get my tape measure out and work out the length of that piece of string” but somehow, I bit my tongue and explain…
What recruitment crisis?
On the one hand I hear people (accountants and other businesses) complaining about the lack of suitable recruits, on the other hand I see my kids’ clever school leaver friends…
Should you be selfish in business?
I believe that you should be selfish in business, but perhaps not in the way that you think. When you set up your business you gave up regular income and…