A lot of businesses don’t bother with a business plan because things change and they’re out of date almost as soon as they are written. I sympathise. Although I do…
Pricing for the hassle factor
I’ve just received an email from my web hosting company to say that they will be charging me more. The reason is that two of my websites use software that…
Money, money, money
Most small businesses fail because they run out of cash. It caught out a lot of people who couldn’t cope while they waited for covid funding came through. Hopefully we’ll…
Even Baldrick had a plan
As we go into a new year, do you know what you’re planning for your business? When you plan a holiday, you have a destination e.g., Spain or Scotland or…
Making a come back
It’s been a busy conference season and, for a professional speaker like me, that means staying in hotels where I eat far too much and don’t manage to do any…
What do you want to look like?
I have a deadline! I have until 21 June to get back in shape and get my life together. Yes, I’ve coped pretty well for the last year (and I’m…
How do you eat an elephant?
… One bite at a time. Or so the saying goes. How do you complete a big project? One step at a time. Whether completing a tax return, growing your…
Retirement planning
No matter what age you are it is still worth thinking about how you will save for your retirement. And I don’t just mean saving your teeth.There are 3 main…
What is decision fatigue? – part 2
Decision fatigue is the exhaustion that comes with making constant decisions. My tip this week is to remove some more of the smaller decisions in your life, so here are…
Managing your interruptions
I recently received a complaint from somebody for posting in a WhatsApp group in the middle of the night. Had I realised that they had audible notifications switched on I…