
What’s next after tax returns

Here at Minerva all tax returns have been completed and we’re just chasing the last few clients for approval so that we can press the button to submit them. Then…


What sort of business do you want to run?

I recently quoted a prospective accountancy client. Part of the agreement is that she would move her paper records onto the software that I recommended in order to be ready…


Making Tax Digital for landlords

Landlords with rental income over £10,000pa, ie charging rent of just £834 per month, will have to join MTD ITSA (Making Tax Digital Income Tax Self Assessment). This means that…


How can tech help a small business?

With MTD on its way for sole traders and then limited companies it is essential to get everybody keeping digital records sooner rather than later. But, while MTD are wielding…


Making Tax Digital – ITSA

As we adapt to a post-Brexit world with Covid, accountants are also trying to look forward to the next phase of MTD (Making Tax Digital) for Income Tax and Self…