People often ask me how I manage to run three businesses. It started 15 years ago when I set up Hudson Business Accountants and Advisers to fit around my small…
Who can you delegate to?
Last week we looked at what you could delegate. This week I want to consider who you can delegate to. An employee. But what if you are a solopreneur? A…
Should you be delegating more?
The answer is almost certainly yes. There are certain things that only you can do in your business but there is probably a lot of admin or other work that…
Have you got the right priorities?
I’m the first person to remind you that you need to work ON your business as well as IN it and I will only take on coaching clients who agree…
How to manage two businesses, write two books and look after yourself and your family
When I’m introduced at speaking events it usually includes something about how I run two businesses, write my books and look after two teenagers. It sounds a lot but here’s…
Efficiency: conserve your strength for the long haul
Lots of triathlon and sports metaphors to come. Triathlons, like running a business, are an endurance event. We’ve seen the Brownlee brothers and others helped across the finish line (there’s…
Is work-life balance really achievable?
Yes. I started, grew and finally sold my first business all while working just an average of 25 hours a week. Some weeks were more but others were less. Here’s…